Troubleshooting Videocon D2H RF Remote Control

Here is the possible solutions to repair or replace your videocon d2h rf remote control under not working conditions. Please be remember that this tips are only usable for the customers who using RF (radio frequency) remote control, you can check the image from given picture. there are so many advantages for rf remote control, first one is getting more range means you can operate it from a long distance. you don’t need to put the remote in front of set top box aka stb, radio signals even pass concrete walls. second one is better battery backup, no need to change battery regularly.
Repair STB Remote
if your rf remote is not working , we can check the battery and replace it. you can check the battery voltage with the help of a multi meter. it’s using CR2032 Coin Type 3V Lithium Battery, check the battery voltage and if you feel any drop in the voltage simply replace it. CR2032 batteries available in local electronic shops or you can purchase it from online shopping sites like amazon. click here to purchase ” Maxell CR2032 Coin Type 3V Lithium Battery (5 Pieces) ” priced at 115.00 with FREE Delivery through amazon. if the same not fixed with the battery replacement your rf remote need a repair or replacement.

D2H RF Remote Purchase Online
you can purchase new d2h rf remote control unit from local shops or online, click here to check about online purchase of Videocon D2H RF Remote Control. once you purchase the new unit, it need pairing with set top box. please follow the following steps for pairing remote. You can also use smart remote control application, which allows users to handle set top box function using smartphone. please check here for more details about videocon d2h smart remote application.
Pair RF Remote Control with D2H Set Top Box
Step 1 – Press FACTORY RESET button on the back side of Videocon DTH Set Top Box for 45 Seconds, sometimes it will take more time
Step 2 – You will get a message on television screen “RF4CE application has been reset. Box ready for new pairing.”
Step 3 – You need to press some buttons now, *5* are those. please press press * (star) button and then press 5 button and now press * (star) button for five seconds and press OK button for 5 seconds.
Step 4 – Wait for the message on TV screen, “RF4CE Pairing Window. Type the following code to start using your remote control.”
Step 5 – three digit number will display along with above message. Quickly press that number on your remote and your remote will be now paired with your Set Top Box. Now your rf remote is ready to use with existing set top box of d2h.

not working Remot
Verified on 22-07-2022
for new set top boxes first hit the reset key only once
Then press and hold the star(*) key on the remote until the red light on the remote lights up constant, then PRESS OK
now the stb enters pairing mode, enter the 3 numbers shown on the tv and Viola !!! Youre Done !