DD Free Dish Price and Installation Charges

DD Free Dish Price and Installation Charges, Complete Installation Cost and Other Charges of DD Direct Direct To Home Service. DD Free Dish DTH Service is absolutely free, there is no monthly charges for the same. But we need to purchase the hardware for the same. There are Ku Band Dish, Set Top Box, LNB and Connecting Wire in the DD Free Dish System. DD DTH is using ku band and we need to use a ku band dish to get the channels. Ku band dish cost around 300-500 R.S, price may vary. ku band dish size for dd free dish is 60 c.m to 100 c.m. If you are using big dish you may get good signal strength for dd direct plus.
- You can very easily now purchase mpeg4 set top box and other dth components from amazon, flipkart like shopping portals.
Cost of DD Free Dish
DD Free Dish Price depends on the hardware quality, if you are using good quality set top box and other price may increase. but its better to use good quality set top box for the dd free dish reception. At present there is separate st top box for dd direct plus, but heard that dorrdarshan is planning to launch set top boxes. users need to purchase that set top boxes, there is no more details available about dd free dish set top boxes. You need to purchase MPEG4 Set top boxes, normal boxes become useless because dd free dish is moving to mpeg4 mode from 1st February 2016.
KU Band LNB is another part of the dd free dish system. Its cost R.S 150-250 depends on the quality. KU Band LNB’s are easily available in electronic shops. Other part is connecting cables, you need to purchase coaxial cable for the same. cost for connecting wire is depends upon quality.good quality wire costs R.S 15 per meter, length may depends on your installation. You need to purchase f connectors for connecting wire between lnb and set top box. DD Free Dish Price purely depends on the quality of the materials.
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